

About JFLI

The Japanese-French Laboratory for Informatics is an International Research Laboratory (IRL 3527) between two French institutions (CNRS and Sorbonne University) and three Japanese institutions (NII, University of Tokyo and Keio University). It was first created on January 1st, 2009 as an International Associated Laboratory ("LIA" in CNRS terminology) by 5 partner institutions: CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – National Center for Scientific Research, France), UPMC (University Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6, which became Sorbonne University in January 2018), National Institute of Informatics (Japan), University of Tokyo and Keio University. It became a Joint International Unit ("UMI" in CNRS terminology) with the same partners on January 1st, 2012.

On the basis of existing scientific cooperation between Japan and France, 4 topics were selected for their potential for fruitful collaborative research:

  • Quantum Computing: quantum communication; quantum networks; visualization of quantum computations; continuous variable (CV) quantum information processing.
  • Artificial Intelligence: AI, music & creativity; integration of knowledge representation; machine learning and optimization methods; new architectures for satisfiability and optimization; AI and high performance computing; AI for video content security.
  • Networks and Cybersecurity: Internet measurements; information-centric networking; software-defined networking; 5G and IoT.
  • Foundations of Informatics: software verification & validation and formal methods; logics, semantics, and category theory; cryptography & information security; geometric algebras and discrete geometry.

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